Apple has officially unveiled its long-awaited AR headset, named Vision Pro, after seven years of development. This moment marks a departure from the speculation surrounding other Apple products like the rumored television and car. The product is real, and Apple CEO Tim Cook introduced it at WWDC 2023, emphasizing its focus on augmented reality over virtual. The headset's design is reminiscent of ski goggles, with an aluminum frame, curved glass, and a digital crown for adjustments. Powered by the standard M2 chip and a new R1 chip for video streaming, the micro-OLED displays boast an impressive 64 pixels within the space of a standard iPhone pixel. One notable feature is the inclusion of a 3D camera, enabling users to capture "Spatial" photos and videos. Apple has introduced a new facet called "EyeSight," utilizing a front-facing display to reveal the wearer's eyes to others in the room, creating an authentic representation of the individual. Unlike some VR-focused devices, the Apple Vision Pro appears to cater more to work-related applications. It allows users to project a version of their Mac desktop, emphasizing practicality over gaming. Notably, Disney is the first content partner, with Disney+ available at launch. The operating system for this groundbreaking device is VisionOS, designed explicitly for spatial computing. It promises compatibility with Microsoft Office apps, teleconferencing services like WebEX and Zoom, and a new App Store dedicated to the headset. The device will be available early next year, priced at $3,499, positioning it as a premium offering primarily targeted…
Apple has officially unveiled its long-awaited AR headset, named Vision Pro, after seven years of development. This moment marks a departure from the speculation surrounding other Apple products like the rumored television and car. The product is real, and Apple CEO Tim Cook introduced it at WWDC 2023, emphasizing its focus on augmented reality over virtual.
The headset’s design is reminiscent of ski goggles, with an aluminum frame, curved glass, and a digital crown for adjustments. Powered by the standard M2 chip and a new R1 chip for video streaming, the micro-OLED displays boast an impressive 64 pixels within the space of a standard iPhone pixel.
One notable feature is the inclusion of a 3D camera, enabling users to capture “Spatial” photos and videos. Apple has introduced a new facet called “EyeSight,” utilizing a front-facing display to reveal the wearer’s eyes to others in the room, creating an authentic representation of the individual.
Unlike some VR-focused devices, the Apple Vision Pro appears to cater more to work-related applications. It allows users to project a version of their Mac desktop, emphasizing practicality over gaming. Notably, Disney is the first content partner, with Disney+ available at launch.
The operating system for this groundbreaking device is VisionOS, designed explicitly for spatial computing. It promises compatibility with Microsoft Office apps, teleconferencing services like WebEX and Zoom, and a new App Store dedicated to the headset. The device will be available early next year, priced at $3,499, positioning it as a premium offering primarily targeted at enterprise buyers. The inclusion of “Pro” in the name hints at the possibility of a more affordable version in the future, catering to a broader consumer base.
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